Bethesda residents will now get less than their share of Brownie Batter, Cherry Garcia and Chunky Monkey ice cream after the Ben & Jerry’s in Bethesda closed Dec. 24 because of financial constraints.
“It wasn’t economically viable to continue a store at the Fairmont branch,” store manager Marc Sosin said. “Pedestrian traffic in that area is decreasing as more people frequent Bethesda Row.”
Managers of the Chicken Out Rotisserie on Bethesda Ave also decided not to renew their lease Dec. 29, after 18 years of service.
“Bethesda has built up beautifully but we just couldn’t do it anymore,” Chicken Out’s Renie Freedman said. “The management decided that it wouldn’t be in the best interest of the company to continue. It always comes down to being a financial constraint.”
The company is searching for a place to reopen in Bethesda but has not targeted a specific location, Freedman said.
Ben & Jerry’s is looking to relocate to a more lively area of Bethesda, but directors haven’t decided where or when the new store will open, Sosin said.
“There are more customers, a greater variety of people, diverse restaurants and entertainment near Bethesda Row, so it would be better for business to move there,” Sosin said. “We would like something to open this year.”
Ben & Jerry’s employees said the company is considering moving to the old Gifford’s location in Bethesda, but Sosin declined to comment.
Many disappointed students hope Ben & Jerry’s is able to open a new store in another convenient location soon.
“Ben & Jerry’s being gone is ‘Jamaican Me Crazy,’” senior Jacob Trauberman said.“Asking me to survive without my ‘Berry Berry Extraordinairy’ is like asking me to live without oxygen.”
Though the company had to close its Fairmont Ave store because of economic concerns, many community members valued its service over the years.
“It was an economic decision, but it was difficult emotionally to leave,” Sosin said. “We had a lot of loyal customers who we are very grateful to and we really enjoyed working out of that location.”
Former employees are also hopeful that the business will re-open a branch in Bethesda.
“We need more options for ice cream stores in the area,” former employee David Pearl-Schwartz said. “It’s a great store that needs to maintain a presence.”