Bored in quarantine? Here are a few ideas to avoid cabin fever.

By Ben Stricker

As a bored high school student during quarantine, you’re probably wondering: What should I do with all of this time on my hands? I can’t go to school, I can’t see my friends and my parents won’t even let me leave the house because of the risk of contracting COVID-19.

Well, while this all may be true, I’ve compiled a few suggestions to help you keep busy during these unpredictable times.


Work Out


Just because Governor Larry Hogan closed all of the gyms in Maryland doesn’t mean that you can’t work out at home anymore. Whether it’s lifting milk jugs or doing 50 pushups in your basement, you can find ways to keep yourself in shape. Even a jog around the neighborhood will go a long way in getting yourself in shape and clearing your mind during the quarantine.




On your family’s next trip to stock up at a grocery store, take advantage and buy the ingredients you need to bake the dessert that you’ve always wanted to try. Baking with your family is a great way to spend time with one another, and it’ll keep everyone busy for a few hours. Try making that pastry from “The Great British Baking Show” or your grandma’s old oatmeal raisin cookie recipe. It’s not only a good way to pass the time, it’s also delicious!


Call a friend


Don’t be silly — just because you can’t meet up with your friends in person doesn’t mean you can’t communicate with them. Interacting with your friends not only helps your mental health, but also your physical health. Sometimes just listening to a different voice and talking with other people can help you get through the day, and it’s always nice to stay in contact with your friends. So, what are you waiting for? Call up that friend who lives in California! It’s not like they’re doing anything at the moment.


Play a game


From Monopoly to Boggle, you can spend hours and hours wrapped up in a game with your family. Games can get crazy or remain fun and friendly, but regardless of the level of intensity, they’re a great way to kill time while having a blast. Scrabble, Ticket to Ride, Clue and Rummikub. And man oh man, do I enjoy a game of Bananagrams with my family.


Go for a walk outside


Even though you have to keep your distance from other people, you can still go outside. Getting some fresh air can help refresh your mind and help you take a step back. Studies find that five-minute walks throughout the day can lift moods, reduce lethargy and improve overall health.


Read a book


Be honest — when was the last time you read a book? Remember when you were a kid and you’d read for fun? Why not bring back the good ol’ days for a week or two? Dropping everything and reading a good book will keep your mind occupied on something else and will help you pass some time.


Sleep in


Obviously, right? Take advantage of these weeks off from school and get the sleep that you deserve. Enough said.


Learn a New Skill


With all of this time on your hands, you should definitely take advantage of it and try to learn something new. Learn how to garden, knit or even build a birdhouse. Find that creative, handy side of yourself and take it for a little ride.


Sing the “99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall” song


If none of these suggestions work for you, then I have no choice to suggest the ultimate time killer song. If beer doesn’t work for you, you can try singing about something more kid-friendly, like milk or lemonade or even Coke for all I care. Ooh, and maybe get a little family chorus going too while you sing. So much fun!!


To all of the other students reading this list, I hope you find what you’re looking for. Have a safe and healthy time away from school.