Pro-life activists gathered by the entrance to Whitman today, displaying posters with photographs of aborted fetuses.
The demonstration lasted less than an hour before school security guards and Montgomery County police became involved, asking the four protesters to move off school property and onto the public areas, including the sidewalk.
The demonstrators protested on behalf of the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, a group that tries to “expose the injustice of abortion,” their website reads.
“This is a large high school and teenagers have a lot of abortions or are going to have them soon,” said Jonathan Darnell, one of the activists. “You’re the future and future voters, so we want to influence you before you get sucked into the death culture out there.”
The school has previously been the site of a protest on a hot-button issue. The Westboro Baptist Church, nationally known for their protests at the funerals of military veterans, staged a larger demonstration at Whitman in April 2009, protesting same-sex marriage.
Student • Apr 2, 2014 at 5:54 am
Actually in cases of rape or incest abortion still shouldn’t be allowed. In the case of rape if you abort the child, your taking an innocent life. “Rape is the only crime with two victems.” If you are against abortion but find an exception in the cases of rape and incest your just pro choice with exceptions. And i hardly think that anyone could disagree with the fact that a fetus isnt innocent which nearly all these serial killers and nuclear anarchists are. Finally, it is the definitive truth that life begins at conception and that abortion is murder. How are you saying that taking away life inside the womb isnt murder? Is it because of the fetus’s intelligence? What are you basing that on, because i sure as hell dont know.
What is fair to you? • Apr 1, 2014 at 8:45 am
By the way I am painfully aware that I can’t spell belief right.
What is fair to you? • Apr 1, 2014 at 8:42 am
Yeah once again your belif is that life begins at conception, while some believe life begins after leaving the womb. Your statement that abortion is murder is not difinitive truth. That is your belif, and if others don’t follow that belif, it isn’t you job to force it on them by preventing them from an abortion. Also, if its murder then, how come you let victims of incest or rape to abortion? Aren’t are laws supposed to promote equality? Then shouldn’t we just not let victims of rape or incest not have abortions, because it is supposedly murder. If no, then we promote inherent inequality in our laws, which isn’t right. Also once again, if you personally don’t abortions, then by all means, don’t get one. You think it is murder. Fine, then just don’t get one, but you can’t take away someone elses right to abortion based on your belifs. Lastly your point about human life and it’s worth is not logically based, it is philospohically based. If you believe that, then everyone should have the choice of life, everyone, from serial killers, to nuclear anarchists, why, because you seek to create an equal value of life in your point. If that is so, then those criminals deserve to die naturally, don’t they? Since you strive to create equality. You can’t be wishy washy on justice or equality, you have to go across the board, otherwise that isn’t equality. It’s swiss cheese equality, more of ironic twist then actually equality.
Student • Mar 30, 2014 at 3:37 pm
Abortion is murder. Life begins at conception, and when you have an abortion your taking that life, no two ways about it. Being pro life isnt forcing your beliefs on someone, your own argument defeats itself. Having an abortion doesnt just effect the women, it also kills another human being. Its disgusting that people can reason that its not a life. A fetus is worth just as much as a fully formed human life. Its such a logical fallacy that you can make differentiation’s in how much a human life is worth based on how much they can comprehend or think.
What's fair to you? • Mar 27, 2014 at 7:53 pm
I personally would never get an abortion. But here’s the thing. The reason why being pro-life is flawed is because it picks and chooses. The government has no right to interfere with someone’s personal body, as people have a right to do what they want with their bodies. Don’t like abortions, don’t get one. Simple as that, but don’t force your beliefs on others. No one’s forcing you to have an abortion, and so you don’t need to get one. And this isn’t about teaching people to suffer the consequences of their actions either. An abortion is punishment in itself. It violates a person, as metal prods and chemicals are inserted into the womb? That doesn’t sound like punishment to you? Besides it’s not your job to teach people about moralistic right or wrong, or your version of it, once again they can follow what they want to follow. I will agree with one thing, the abortions should be allowed at embryonic stage and at the stages in which the child won’t feel pain. If I child will feel pain, then the abortion shouldn’t be allowed. This way we have the best of both worlds. Moralistic good, the child won’t feel pain, and abortions are still allowed within a certain time frame.
Scott Wilder • Mar 20, 2014 at 2:47 pm
Joe Wiedermann • Mar 20, 2014 at 2:47 pm
It really is incredible. I agree with sam
Marc Shulman • Mar 21, 2014 at 9:09 am
what are you talking about. I disagree with you entirely
Joe Wiedermann • Mar 24, 2014 at 9:09 am
what are you talking about Marc? You have no idea what is going on
Marc Shulman • Mar 19, 2014 at 9:30 am
I agree
Sam Wenger • Mar 19, 2014 at 9:29 am
Right on!!!!!
Student • Mar 17, 2014 at 11:55 pm
Honestly the pro choice attitude at Whitman really annoys me. If you are pro life everyone gets mad at you and is intolerant of your belief, in an ironic twist, as they all think of themselves as open minded.
Joe Lilek • Mar 14, 2014 at 10:44 pm
“Aborted children” has a horrible connotation… I would say embryo and thus not a child, but then that is what the abortion debate is about.