**By Mallory Frankel**
Varsity boys lacrosse beat the Sherwood warriors 14-8, advancing to the regional semi-finals.
The Vikings started the game off strong when forwards Booey Ghani and Pat Slawta ran the offense and Ghani ripped a hard shot straight into the net.
Attacker Trevor Hains scored his second goal after Sherwood’s goalie fumbled and Hains scored on an empty net.
Seven minutes into the first quarter, midfielder Ross Koehn scored after a give and go with midfielder Will Bumpers. The quarter ended with the Vikings up 6-1.
After Ghani scored his third goal, the Warriors scored three goals, bringing the score to 7-4.
But the Vikings strengthened their lead when Bumpers assisted Koehn with 18 seconds left in the half in a man-up play. Ten seconds later, Hains scored his third goal, making the score 9-4 at the half.
Sherwood scored another four times, but the Vikings retaliated when Ghani scored his fourth goal of the evening. Will Deutsch then brought the score to 13-7 with an unassisted goal.
Koehn finished the game with his fourth goal of the night and the game ended 14-8.
The Vikings will play the 10-3 Walter Johnson Wildcats, who they defeated 9-4, in the semi-finals on Monday.
Jeremy Klitzman • May 17, 2010 at 11:56 pm
Good job getting this up so fast and with a picture!
get with it! • May 17, 2010 at 11:39 pm
come on spec! add this year’s authors already. it’s annoying to see *askldg slk* as the author.