All that pent-up spring fever can finally be put to good use at the annual SGA spring fair this Friday. As soon as the school buses clear out, booths, rides and bands will take their place in front of the building. And, by 4:30 p.m., the crowds will swarm in.
Even though the rain is supposed to begin around 5 p.m., the SGA plans to continue with the spring fair.
New activities this year include a two-person obstacle course and wax hand-making. Popular games like “fish-pong,” where winners get to bring home a goldfish, will return from last year’s fair. The four-person tumbler ride will be back as well.
The old DJ has been pushed aside this year to make way for student-run bands, including “Dragon Destiny Fun Fight” and “Koopatroop.”
The SGA marketed the fair to middle and elementary-schoolers, rather than Whitman students.
“We’re really hoping for more students,” organizer Hannah Sherman said. “And [younger students] just love these little fairs.”
She hopes that the fliers and commercials aimed at younger kids will bring more of them to the fair this year.
The SGA has never made a profit on the fair, but Sherman says raising money isn’t the main objective.
“We’re really just trying to make this an event that shows the kind of good things the SGA does,” she said. “This is all for the community.”