*By Sam Oshinsky*
Varsity cheerleading has a new coach who plans to push the squad to new heights. The new coach, Christi Weems, won awards cheering at Virginia Tech and now cheers for the Washington Redskins.
Weems started cheering in high school and immediately knew she wanted to take it to the next level, setting her sights on professional cheerleading. Last year, she achieved her goal when the Redskins hired her to be a Redskinnette.
“It’s so exciting to see how energetic and crazy the fans get,” Weems said in a Gameday magazine story. “It’s kind of overwhelming, but it’s so fun to know that you can help get everyone excited about their school and sports.”
Weems hopes that being a Redskinette and a high school coach will help her achieve her ultimate goal in the sport.
“Ever since I started cheering, I knew that I wanted to continue on to higher and higher levels,” Weems said. “Someday I hope to coach in college.”
When Weems heard that last year’s coach, Jennifer Hyson, had left because she was accepted into graduate school in Minnesota, Weems jumped at the opportunity to coach and quickly got the job.
Team captain Natalie Vernigor said the team members are excited to have Weems lead them. Weems has been a huge hit with the team, already greatly improving the quality of the squad.
“We’re lucky to have Christi,” Vernigor says. “We’ve gotten so far in such a short time, and we’re already putting up difficult stunts.”
Weems uses the experience she gained from Virginia Tech, one of the nation’s top cheerleading schools, and from cheering with the Redskins to help improve the team.
Senior Kimya Farivari appreciates the experience and dedication Weems brings to the team.
“She’s different because she makes us work a lot harder than the other coaches,” Farivari says.
Last year, the squad won its spring competition, and with Weems’ experience, the team members have high expectations for the year.
“I really like how the team is coming together and I really look forward to this year.” Weems says. “We have a great squad, everyone works together so well.”