The Black & White interviewed alum Dave Cooper (’05) from the critically acclaimed band Hotspur, who returned to the 9:30 Club on Sept. 3.
Hotspur recently won the New Music Seminar’s “Artist on the Verge,” joining the ranks of Nirvana, Madonna, and Red Hot Chili Peppers. Since playing Warped Tour in 2007, Hotspur’s fame has elevated as their songs received airtime on Fuse, MTV and MtvU.
Black & White: How would you describe yourself as a teenager at Whitman?Dave Cooper: I was definitely the kid who was late or completely missed first period. Even now it’s hard to get up after certain nights and drives, but the excitement of heading to a different place every day is definitely good motivation.

B&W: Were you musical in high school? DC: I was in an original band which often played Coffeehouse, but we never did the Talent Show. While I was at Whitman, most of the bands played cover songs, which was cool, but not really my thing. I was far more interested with the inner workings of original bands and studying pop culture.
B&W: Hotspur has received a lot of positive feedback, how has it impacted the band?
DC: Local support from D.C.101, 98 Rock and notably Samy at 99.5 was really good for getting word out about our shows, which is really important, especially with the current state of the concert industry.
The best thing that’s happened to us so far, though, is having the music videos for our past two and upcoming single featured on mtvU. We’re on a college run right now so it’s pretty sweet to tell the students that they can flip on their TVs after the show to watch us. Plus, now maybe that really hot girl who was ‘out of my league’ in high school will be all over me at the reunion.
B&W: What do you like to do when you return home from touring?
DC: Sleep and have a lazy Sunday. I have the opposite of a standard schedule every week, so a day to kick back after a tour is essential. I normally try and fit a horror movie or hokey 90’s action flick in there— makes my exhaustion seem like a Redbull in comparison to the people running from Freddy Krueger.
B&W: Which do you like better, being on the road or being back home?
DC: Tour is always a good time and is definitely responsible for my best stories, but it’s also amazing to sleep in your own bed after weeks of overcrowded hotels and van rides. The answer to this question is steak and potatoes: They both serve their purpose and make the other taste significantly better.
B&W: Where do you see yourself in ten years?
DC: Playing music and making records. I wouldn’t be satisfied with a hit record and living off the royalty checks it brings in. I want to make a dozen hit records; I want to play in every country. And as much as I love my lazy Sunday, I’ll sleep when I’m dead. There’s too much opportunity out there to shoot for any less. You gotta go for it, and give it everything.