The Bethesda community is known as the backyard of national politics—a stone’s throw away from the most important establishments in the country.
As of late August, it was Bethesda’s turn to share the spotlight as it welcomed Spanish royal Princess Infanta Cristina and her family of five to the neighborhood. Her husband, Iñaki Urdangarin, a former Olympic handball player, now Duke of Palma de Majorca, will be working with Spanish telecommunications giant Telefónica in D.C.
Whitman Spanish teacher Pam Garcia says she lived in Spain for eight years when the Infantas were just little girls and is excited that part of the family moved to Bethesda.
“The people of Spain really love the monarchy,” she said. “I’m absolutely thrilled, I truly am,” she says. “They are a great representation of Spain, and wonderful people.”
Garcia adds that she would love to invite either Urdangarin or the Infanta to speak to her class.