Fifty-seven students competed in the SGA’s first annual 3v3 basketball tournament Feb. 22 to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
The SGA sponsored the tournament because of the game’s popularity, sophomore SGA member Lindsay Herschfeld said.
“I’m competitive and love basketball, so I figured ‘why not,’” senior Paul Balland said. “The entry fee was a way for me to donate, but to get something out of it aside from the sheer fact that I donated to a great cause.”
Many students participated for the pure joy of playing the game, while others wanted to help the cause, like Stephen Werner. Werner played on the winning team, the Unusual Suspects, along with seniors Henry Kuhn and Connor Gordon.
“I really wanted to help raise money for the society, and I also enjoyed beating Jeff Schaeffer,” Werner said. “He talks a lot of trash.”
The winning teams received $10, $7 and $5 gift cards for first, second and third place, respectively.