Finding yourself #foreveralone? Stop posting angsty poems on Tumblr and instead head over to the SGA’s fourth annual Guy Auction Feb. 13. Maybe you can buy love – or at least contribute to Pennies for Patients and earn a fun date in the process.

The Black & White has prepared your ultimate guide to the guys and their dates. Ratings are based on the date’s creativity, the potential for fun and the possibility of a second date.
Jonathan Poffley and Evan Cernea: Hot yoga and Chop’t
Scoring this date may be a stretch, but these hilarious seniors promise it’ll be hot.
Rating: 8/10 because this date could score you a prom date and help you fit into your dress, but it seems like something you’d rather do with your girls.
Andrew Barth and Drew Aherne: Baltimore Aquarium
No fishing for compliments needed; you’ll definitely get along swimmingly with these junior boys as you head to the aquarium.
Rating: 7/10 because this date is like revisiting your childhood.
Jorge Richardson, Kourosh Ashtary-Yazdi and Vegas Kastberg: Rooftop dinner in DC and Disney on Ice
Someday your prince will come – and it may be one of these junior charmers. This fun date could open up a whole new world of romance.
Rating: 10/10 because this date goes way beyond the bare necessities.
Joey Williams, Jordan Wolff and Jake Zeisel: Thrift shopping and Shabbat dinner
A twist on the classic ‘Jewish boy package,’ these boys will take you thrifting before serving latkes and other traditional fare. When the bidding wars start, make sure to challah.
Rating: 7/10 because thrift shops are hit-or-miss, but this date’s a hit no matter what.
Nathaniel Sherman, Max Steinhorn and Nick Meyer: Dinner and merengue dancing
These three junior boys will sweep you off your feet during your night of dinner and dancing.
Rating: 8/10 because you can’t get much classier.
Pablo Ramirez: Monuments, dinner and magic tricks
Bid on this monumental date for a magical night with the student body vice president. He’ll take you downtown and show off a few of his magic tricks along the way.
Rating: 7/10 because you never know what tricks he has up his sleeve.
Isaac Rubin, Liam Knox and Zach Fuchs: Newseum and lunch
No worries; this date with the Black & White print top three will be completely off-the-record.
Rating: 6/10 because we’ve all been to the Newseum before.
Jacob Rosenblum: Shopping at Tysons, froyo at Pinkberry and Starbucks lattes
The self-proclaimed “50-50 Barack Obama and Regina George” wants to take you on the gayest date ever.
Rating: 8/10. You know he’ll be brutally honest about anything you’re considering buying.
Aaron Gordon, Ben James and Lucas Karron: Nationals game
1, 2, 3, 4, let’s get busy! The Drumline boys want to buy you some peanuts and cracker jacks, if only you’ll buy their date.
Rating: 9/10 because this date is sure to be a home run.
Charles Augustine: Dinner and recording your own song
This date with the senior musician will hit all the right notes – and you’ll end up with your own recording.
Rating: 6/10 because it’ll be a hit only if you have an idea of what you’d like to record.
Jack Jobst and Will Guerry: Concert of your choice
Take these indie musicians to see any band you’d like – especially if you knew about it before it was cool.
Rating: 7/10 because the possibilities are endless but it’ll be fun regardless.
Alex Deziel: Hirschorn Museum
This artsy senior will take you on an unforgettable adventure through the gallery downtown.
Rating: 6/10 because not everyone has the patience for modern art.
James Montfort, Myles Williams and Tate Carter-Graham: Rock-climbing
These men will make you feel like you’re on top of the world on this rocking date. Careful, it’s a slippery slope: you may soon be falling (in love, that is).
Rating: 5/10 because it’s not the most original.
Daniel Lowet, Andrew Castagnetti and Billy Lee: Wizards game
You’ll be lucky to score this date with three senior basketball players.
Rating: 7/10. If you’re interested, take a shot.
Calvin Schalch and Ryan Savage: A cappella show and dinner
You’ll have fun accompanying these junior singers to an awesome unaccompanied performance.
Rating: 6/10. If you like music, this could be a good time.
Carson Lystad and Franky Beiser: Ballroom dancing
You’ll have the time of your life channeling Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey on this dancing date.
Rating: 8/10. You’ll be getting up close and personal and learning some great moves.
Mark Norris, Brendan Hearn and Ben Castagnetti: Mini-golf
Shell out the green for a day on the green – this date will surely be a hole-in-one.
Rating: 5/10. It’s not a creative date, but it can be a fun activity if you’re with your friends.
Daniel Goldin and John Sullivan: Salsa dancing
If you like your men as spicy as your dance moves, skip the guacamole and go for the salsa instead – a night of dancing with your favorite seniors.
Rating: 8/10 because this date will be a blast – or it could be terrible if you have two left feet
Nick Holden, Jm Hellman and Zac Morton: Watch “The Notebook” and have breakfast
Hey girl, Ryan Gosling wants you to bid on this date.
Rating: 5/10. This date could be a disaster if you’re an ugly crier.
Jared Berul, Samir Kaveeshwar and Michael Yang: Ice skating
Let these three seniors glide their way into your heart at Cabin John Ice Rink.
Rating: 5/10 because it’s not original but there’s a lot of opportunity to get to know each other.
Adam Lowet and Max Vogel: Circus
You’ll flip for the chance to accompany these juniors to an unforgettable show at the circus.
Rating: 7/10 because this will be fun no matter what.
Patrick Hisle, Liam Hatch and Ben Miltenberg: Cooking class
Hisle and Hatch, the top-earning date last year, are joined by Miltenberg to offer up another winner. Dish out the dough for a delicious date with these senior boys.
Rating: 10/10 because nothing is hotter than men in the kitchen.
Guy Auction is Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the auditorium. Admission is $5, but bring a checkbook, because dates often sell for $200-$500 and above. All proceeds support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.