Media center opens, debuts new carpet

By Marit Björnlund

The media center opened Monday for the first time this school year, after being closed for recarpeting.

The Media Center opened Sept. 19 for the first time this school year. It was closed because of new carpet installation. Photo by Marit Bjornlund.

The school allocated money for a new carpet in June, but by then, the carpet installation crew had a full schedule for summer and winter breaks, media specialist Ginny Trulio said. So the carpeting had to be installed during the school year.

“We would have preferred to have it installed in the summer,” Trulio said. “[But] we’re grateful to have it done.”

The media center’s old carpet was 10 years old, with stains and a moldy odor, she said.

The left side of the media center is still closed until Sept. 26, since the bookcases were moved for recarpeting, and librarians still need to replace books on the shelves.

“We had to remove all the books from the tall shelving and from the shelves that are bolted to the walls,” Trulio said. “We ended up with 80 carts, and we’re reshelving.”