Top 5 most problematic Christmas songs
While we all love holiday cheer, more than a few Christmas songs send the wrong message.
December 23, 2018
The holiday season is upon us, and with that comes the incessant blaring of Christmas tunes in every store you walk into and radio station you turn on. It’s no wonder so many artists crank out Christmas albums—the carols are catchy, merry and bound to stick in your head for days.
But some of these popular holiday songs that have been recycled for decades still reinforce gender stereotypes and include topics like date rape. It’s obvious the industry needs to transition to more progressive music—and these five songs are the biggest offenders.
5. All I Want for Christmas is You
Yes, this is one of my favorite Christmas songs of all time. That doesn’t mean it couldn’t stand to be a little more feminist. Despite being the anthem for holiday romantics everywhere, Mariah Carey’s 1994 classic says the best present a woman can get is a man. In the song, Mariah sounds like a pining girl when she asks, “Santa won’t you bring me the one I really need? Won’t you please bring my baby to me?” How about some independence and empowerment? At least she’s breaking away from Christmas materialism—better to place value on love than on a present grabbed off a shelf.
4. It’s Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas
This timeless tune is perfect for cranking in your car the day after Thanksgiving, but it’s hard to ignore the blatant gender stereotypes in the third verse: “A pair of hopalong boots and a pistol that shoots is the wish of Barney and Ben; Dolls that will talk and will go for a walk is the hope of Janice and Jen.” Yeesh. I’m all for “silver lanes aglow” and carols “right within your heart,” but I draw the line at telling young children what type of presents they should want. Maybe Barney happens to love playing with dolls, and Janice actually really wants a pistol (not that I think she should get one—we have a large enough gun control issue as it is without giving them to children).
3. Santa Baby
I don’t know if I’m ever really in the mood to listen to Eartha Kitt try to seduce Santa Claus, but obviously some people enjoy the track. Pet names like “baby,” “honey” and “cutie” are fine for serious relationships, but trying to manipulate Saint Nick into giving you more presents isn’t the right setting. By singing, “think of all the fun I’ve missed, think of all the fellas that I haven’t kissed. Next year I could be just as good, if you’ll check off my Christmas list,” Kitt portrays women as scheming gold diggers. Objectification of women and reinforcement of old-fashioned stereotypes isn’t something that’s ever acceptable—and it’s even sadder coming from the mouth of another woman.
2. Do They Know It’s Christmas
You probably haven’t heard of this song by British charity supergroup Band Aid. I’m a Christmas music fanatic, and I hadn’t either until I scrolled through Spotify’s endless library of holiday tunes. While the song raised over 10 million dollars within the first year of release for the 1984 famine in Ethiopia, the lyrics are ludicrous.
Lines like “where the only water flowing is the bitter sting of tears” and “where nothing ever grows, no rain or rivers flow” attempt to evoke sympathy for the humanitarian crisis in Ethiopia, but instead they depict the country as a barren wasteland. The song also only refers to the victims as “Africans,” which creates more misleading and racist generalizations. Once again, the white man’s burden rears its ugly head, even if it’s well intended. Another misguided sentiment? U2 lead singer Bono’s line in the third verse reminding the audience to “thank God it’s them instead of you.”
1. Baby it’s Cold Outside
While the call-and-response in the wintry duet “Baby it’s Cold Outside” may seem coy and flirtatious at first, the man’s relentless attempts to persuade the woman to stay the night quickly begin to sound like sexual harassment. Didn’t anyone ever teach Frank Loesser that pressuring a woman into saying “yes” isn’t considered consent? Sure, the song was written in 1944, but it’s still a popular cover song today—and our generation’s artists should know better.
Even if the conversation is waved off as harmless, the lyrics that come after definitely aren’t: “The neighbors might think (Baby, it’s bad out there). Say what’s in this drink? (No cabs to be had out there).” That, Frank Loesser, is called date rape—and while people may have turned their heads in the past, it’s definitely frowned upon in today’s society.
And the hypocrisy! Nobody bats an eye at a man’s persistence, but if a woman “gives in,” then her reputation is at stake; she repeatedly agonizes what “the neighbors might think,” frets that her “sister will be suspicious” and worries that “there’s bound to be talk tomorrow.” Double standard much? Even when the girl finally responds “the answer is no,” the man doesn’t give up. How much more explicit can you be?
Recently, though, multiple radio stations across the country have banned the song from their rotation, according to NPR (hallelujah!). But disappointingly enough, the backlash from listeners has been even larger than the support for the ban in the first place—looks like the push for non-offensive Christmas music will be an uphill battle.
Hopefully I haven’t totally shattered your childhood Christmas bubble—I imagine the feeling is comparable to when my Jewish best friend told me Santa wasn’t real in first grade. But that doesn’t change the fact that modern artists must transition these outdated classics to the modern era. We live in a time of progressive thinking, and our Christmas carols should reflect our values. Happy holidays!
LJ • Aug 15, 2021 at 11:25 pm
“Truly great songs stand the test of time”
Yes! And “Baby it’s Cold Outside” is truly a great song, as it has stood the test of time.
Anonymous • Jan 6, 2019 at 9:51 am
Great article! I refuse to have to justify the date rape lyrics of baby its cold outside by watching a 70 year old movie. The song has creeped me out for years. Its fine to disagree and play it all you want but for many this is a valid criticism.
Truely great songs stand the test of time.
Hotdog benson • Dec 28, 2018 at 9:09 am
This article is really dumb. I wasn’t sure if it was satire or not. Yeesh
Anonymous • Dec 27, 2018 at 1:12 am
Just in general, if one was to go off of the criteria used in this article, every song written before 1955 could potentially be banned for encouraging baseless “gender stereotypes”, notwithstanding every book and movie published as well. However, more specifically, the current criticism of “Baby It’s Cold Outside” is completely unfounded. The song is originally from a 1949 movie “Neptune’s Daughter”. Have any of the criticizers of the song actually seen the film? Or are they just believing fake media articles? The first half of the song (the section that became popular and is played on the radio) is indeed a man trying to persuade the woman he loves to stay at his house longer. However, the SECOND HALF of the song is the complete opposite situation: a woman tries to persuade the man she is interested in to stay at HER house longer. Both halves have IDENTICAL lyrics! This entirely negates any talk of a “double standard”. The songwriters had absolutely no intention of writing about rape. Besides the fact that no one even remotely would have imagined the song to be about that in the 1940s (and it is naive to try and project modern day interpretations onto different time periods), the fact that the second half of the song is from a woman’s perspective also shows its innocence because, lets face it, there were gender stereotypes in the 1940s and it is highly unlikely that a movie would depict a woman trying to sexually assault a man (if the song truly had that malicious intention). People need to do their research before making unfounded claims.
Christmas Crusader • Dec 25, 2018 at 9:33 am
Anyone who believes “Baby it’s Cold Outside” is anything short of a feminist anthem is truly ignorant. At the time it was written, the song tackled the societal shackles placed on women’s sexual desires, and it rallied feminists behind it as a source of female empowerement. Furthermore, the song was written with gender roles unspecified, and has had numerous interpretations with a woman as the “agressor.” Had the song been written today, maybe there would be grounds for outrage (still a stretch, considering the modern landscape of music. Rap music, the United States’ most consumed genre as of 2017, recently had 18 of it’s top 25 songs use mysoginistic terminology for women.)
All in all, everyone could benefit by keeping an open mind and educating themselves. If you’d like to read more, here are some wonderful articles:
boo • Dec 23, 2018 at 2:38 pm
this is the dumbest article I’ve ever read
bps • Oct 29, 2022 at 5:07 am
TFS. songs were written in a different era. Personally jmo {2 cents} open to what you feel.. Dont listen or scroll on with a cold xmas heart
Strong Conservative • Dec 23, 2018 at 1:01 pm