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My issue is I received a pass last semester, but did not this semester. Because I play multiple, cumbersome instruments, I can’t take the overcrowded bus or Ride On without taking up the already scarce space besides the fact that I have limited hands. On a given day, I may need to bring in my alto, tenor, soprano, flute and bass clarinet. I understand Wetzel’s predicament in trying to remain objective, but I think the video and the given passes show a preference to athletics. I need my instruments to participate in both jazz band and wind ensemble for the entire year. And I require a car and a parking pass to participate in those classes. I see too many spots going unused (probably because these students don’t a have a car to drive regularly or don’t need to drive until the spring season starts) and yet I can’t park in them.
Ethan Dodd • Feb 12, 2017 at 10:06 pm
My issue is I received a pass last semester, but did not this semester. Because I play multiple, cumbersome instruments, I can’t take the overcrowded bus or Ride On without taking up the already scarce space besides the fact that I have limited hands. On a given day, I may need to bring in my alto, tenor, soprano, flute and bass clarinet. I understand Wetzel’s predicament in trying to remain objective, but I think the video and the given passes show a preference to athletics. I need my instruments to participate in both jazz band and wind ensemble for the entire year. And I require a car and a parking pass to participate in those classes. I see too many spots going unused (probably because these students don’t a have a car to drive regularly or don’t need to drive until the spring season starts) and yet I can’t park in them.