Feb. 5 marked the annual National Shower with a Friend Day, a day designed to raise awareness about the importance of conserving water. Now you might be angry at yourself for forgetting this important holiday, and that’s understandable. But I’m here to make sure you won’t miss out on other important national days in February.
Feb. 15: National Single Awareness Day (SAD)
Worried about being single on Valentine’s Day? Worry no more, because today we’re celebrating a holiday just for you! SAD is dedicated to embracing your single-ness. Though it has an unfortunate acronym, the purpose of SAD is to celebrate and/or commiserate in one’s single status. So take this day to go out with your friends and just have fun! You’ve earned it.
Feb. 20: National Cherry Pie Day
This day is for all you pie-lovers out there. The origin of pie can be traced back to the time of the ancient Egyptians, and the earliest cherry pie was documented in England. Throughout the years, cherry pie has become a national hallmark present during many occasions. Honor the mixed tradition of this American delicacy on National Cherry Pie Day, and bake some pies with your family.
Feb. 28: National Public Sleeping Day
Are you tired of feeling overworked and sleep-deprived? Then this is definitely the day for you! Chances are you don’t get the recommended nine to nine-and-a-half hours, and for juniors and seniors, no where near that. Take this day to take a nap anywhere with absolutely no judgement. So if you find yourself falling asleep in class, just remind your teacher that you’re are observing a holiday!
In all seriousness, throughout your busy schedules, it’s important to take a moment and celebrate some special things. Aside from these… interesting days, the month of February has important meaning. February is Black History Month, commemorating the rich history of African Americans. It’s also Teen Violence Month, which raises awareness for the ongoing issue and aims to create dialogue. Finally, February is American Heart Month, in honor of the country’s ongoing commitment to fight Cardiovascular disease, the number one killer of American men and women.
No matter what you’re interested in, passionate about or just find a little bit funny, find some way to honor and celebrate it during the month of February. There’s a lot going on.