The girls soccer team beat the 3-4 Richard Montgomery Rockets 1-0 Oct. 5, solidifying a 6-2 record.

The Vikes took the lead early in the game, as defender Lottie Nalls finished a shot off of a corner kick by forward Andrea McDonald.
The Vikes continued taking many shots on goal for the rest of the first half and into the second, but no other shots passed the opposing goalie.
“We had a lot of opportunities to shoot, but not as many as we would have hoped,” forward Natalie Andrasko said.
Nalls and defender Emily Martin kept the defensive line organized through constant communication, making sure everyone was in the right place at the right time, Andrasko said.
The girls were successful in shutting out the Rockets for the entire game, leaving the score at 1-0.
The Vikes look to rebuild a winning streak away against the 4-3 Wootton Patriots Oct. 8.