Students and teachers from the Best Buddies club plunged into the Chesapeake Bay Jan. 27 as part of the Polar Bear Plunge’s Cool Schools Challenge. The 55 students on the Viking Plungers team raised $10,541 for the Maryland Special Olympics in their second year of participating in the Challenge.

Most of the Viking Plungers were members of Best Buddies or in the Designated Hitter special education internship, special education teacher Steve Sutherland said. The event was open to all students.
The 31-degree water and 42-degree air seemed warm compared to last year, when the beach was covered in snow. In 2011, 35 students signed up, but only around 20 attended the plunge because of a snow day and power outages, Sutherland said.
“There were five inches of snow out, and it was actually snowing when we did it,” Sutherland said. “This year, it was still freezing, but it wasn’t nearly as bad. Doing it last year made it a lot easier to do it this year.”
Senior Evan Reeves, the president of Best Buddies, raised money from family members via Facebook. He wanted to support the cause and spend more time with his buddy, Matt Ficca. Reeves said he was surprised by the cold water during his first time at the Plunge.
“At first, it was numb because our feet were in the cold sand,” he said. “Then you run in, and it’s really cool. Once you go up to your neck, you go into a little shock, and you kind of forget how to use your muscles for a bit. I only went in once, but I know a couple of people swam out to twenty feet and high-fived the lifeguards who were standing out there.”
Junior Elaina Cokinos raised $580 for the challenge, one of the highest totals on the team. In addition to participating in the Best Buddies club, Cokinos is a Designated Hitter intern for two periods each day.
“[Best Buddies] puts me in a good mood,” Cokinos said. “I love everyone in Best Buddies. It is a kind, loving and comfortable atmosphere. I have learned so much and it really shapes you as a person.”