Senior Danielle Newsham won a Montgomery County Alliance of Black School Educators award for academic success, service and extracurricular involvement April 13.
MCABSE presented $200 to $1,000 scholarships to 25 African American high school seniors. Newsham doesn’t yet know the amount of scholarship money she will receive.

Newsham has been actively involved in extracurricular and community service activities throughout high school. She is currently editor-in-chief of yearbook and was captain of cross-country and indoor and outdoor track for the past two years. She also volunteers at Days End Horse Farm and Paws in the Park, a Humane Society benefit walk.
“When I learned of the award, I thought it was something that I definitely fit, because I have all the criteria for it,” she said.
Newsham was especially surprised to hear she had won the award because she found out about the award very late and barely submitted the application on time.
“I was like, ‘Oh, whoa, that’s pretty cool that I found out in one day,’” Newsham said. “I had sent in my application super-close to the deadline, so I didn’t think I was going to get it. I was excited about it.”