Photo of the day: students celebrate National Coming Out Day


Photo by Lukas Gates.

By Emma Shaffer

Students wore rainbow and white ribbons at school today to celebrate National Coming Out Day. Rainbow ribbons indicated the individual identified as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, while white signified the student was a straight and cisgender ally to the community.

The ribbons were passed out by Whitman Pride, the school’s student-run LGBTQ+ organization.

“We’re hoping that by passing out these ribbons and by having this big show of solidarity within and for the LGBT community we can make Whitman a more inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone,” Pride co-president Aubrey Lay said.

Lay proudly sported a rainbow ribbon on his wrist.

“It’s my way of saying that I feel like the school is a safe place to express myself, and by expressing myself I’m trying to ensure that it continues to be so,” he said.