Dan Miller, Max Harwood and John Beck (’08) were 15 when they landed their first gig at the Marriott across from the White House.
“Back then, it was the coolest idea to play in front of 60-year-olds,” Miller joked. “We couldn’t drive, so we had to bring all of our equipment on the metro. We probably looked like such idiots.”

Miller, Harwood and Beck grew up together in the same Glen Echo neighborhood and played music together in middle school. It wasn’t until their sophomore year in high school that the three friends decided to launch their band, Mission South, a name that represents finding one’s place in the world.
Now, almost five years later, the friends find themselves separated by three different colleges: Miller attends Tulane, Harwood attends University of Vermont and Beck attends Virginia Tech. Although distance has separated the band members, they still manage to perform together and produce new music during school breaks.
Their eventual transition into a full-time band is the basis for Mission South’s new album, “Migration Vol. 1,” which was released in September and is available for free download on the band’s website. The album is the first in a three-part project that chronicles the band as it “migrates” into the world of full-time music. Volumes two and three are in the works and set for release in the next two years.
Their usual music is similar to the stylings of Ben Harper or Pearl Jam. But “Migration Vol.1” takes on a heavier blues and rock influence, giving the songs a more soulful way of telling the story.
“This album is all about the journey that we’ve taken and continue to take,” Harwood said.
Despite the difficulties of maintaining the band while pursuing individual college careers, the band members’ passion for their music keeps them motivated.
“When the music in my life is right, I feel good about everything,” Harwood said. “On the days when I’m exhausted with Mission South work and I’m staying up studying, I still feel good, and I’m really happy with it.”
Their talent and passion for music propelled them from the Marriott gig in 2006 to the recording studio in 2009 for their first album, “Tall Tales from Mohican Hills,” and then to their latest album, “Migration Vol.1.”
“It’s pretty cool to look back and see all we’ve done,” Beck said. “I’m really proud.”
Now Mission South has released three albums and has even bigger plans after graduation. Miller, Harwood and Beck plan to become a full-time band, touring and performing more frequently, unhampered by conflicting school schedules.
“Graduation can’t come fast enough,” Beck said. “We’re just going to hit the ground running.”
Following the allegory of their band name, it seems that Miller, Harwood and Beck have found their place: to make good music and stay close friends.
“They’re my best friends; we’re like a family,” Miller said. “They’re going to be the best men at my wedding.”
anon • Jan 3, 2013 at 10:03 am
Ha! I’ve been listening to these guys on grooveshark for years.
Ben Suarez • Nov 10, 2011 at 9:26 pm
Get their album free right here: http://music.missionsouth.com/