Animal Society Club provides outlet for animal lovers
A pig stands at the animal sanctuary that the Animal Society visited. Seniors Katia Goldberg and Addy Rood created the club this year as an outlet for animal rights supporters. Photo courtesy Sydney Maggin.
November 9, 2017
Members of the new Animal Society club enjoyed spending time with animals and peers alike on a visit to a local animal sanctuary Oct. 1. This year’s introduction of the Animal Society Club allows students to advocate for animal rights at Whitman.
Club presidents Katia Goldberg and Addy Rood wanted to provide a platform for students to unite and take action on behalf of animals. The club’s main focus is improving the lives of animals in captivity, Goldberg said.
“I felt like animal rights was a cause people would get involved in, and it’s cool to see people getting involved with the animals and seeing these people together,” Goldberg said.
Animal Society also aims to raise money for animal advocacy organizations like the World Wildlife Fund.
Club members learn about animal rights organizations by participating in organized activities. Recently, students visited the Poplar Springs Animal Sanctuary in Poolesville to learn about the importance of advocating for animal rights.
“It was a really great way to learn about the harms of factory farms on the lives of animals and to see how people have banded together to help save animals from unjust treatment,” junior Sydney Maggin said.
The club is planning more events for the spring, including a bake sale and car wash, Goldberg said.
Rood was particularly motivated to join the club when she learned about the inhumane conditions and mistreatment of animals in the meat industry.
“Two and a half years ago, I watched a couple documentaries and did some research on how animals are treated in the meatpacking industry,” Rood said. “I decided to stop eating meat, and have been doing all I can to support the cause since.”
Club leaders also work to ensure everyone feels comfortable participating in club activities. Members have found that the group cultivates an inclusive and positive environment in their meetings twice a month as well as their events outside of school.
“It’s amazing to immerse yourself with people who feel the same way about animals’ rights and the role animals play in the world,” Maggin said.