Eight strangers. One house. A reality show. If you’re looking for a new junky yet entertaining show to waste your time on (putting “Jersey Shore” aside), it should be MTV’s “Real World: D.C.” The new season began Dec. 30 and features eight young adults in the nation’s capital, our very own neighborhood.
The house lies in Dupont Circle, so you’re bound to see tons of familiar places while watching. On the first episode, roommates got kicked out and a nice dinner turned into a religious debate. The cast is hysterical. While still early in the season, relationships are forming, the fights are heated and the drama is intense. And being set in D.C. makes watching it all the more fun.
In the first two episodes, the characters already seem quite coupled off and the few that have boyfriends/girlfriends back home don’t seem to mind.
First, there’s the artsy, alternative rockers: Erika and Josh. Then, there are the attractive, perky ones: Ashley and Mike. But, Mike is bisexual so Ashley tries to pretend to be uninterested. Andrew, the comic (in my opinion, he’s trying way too hard) is after Callie, the blonde Texan. Ty, the tough yet sensitive one, decides to room with Emily, the energetic one. And that’s the cast. Not only are they entertaining, they’re eager for drama.
I’m not saying that watching “Real World: D.C.” is a productive way to spend an hour of your day, but it’s much more interesting than any other MTV reality show I’ve seen. Only a couple episodes have aired, but so far each one leaves me curious as to what will happen next. Catch the “Real World: D.C”. on Wednesdays at 10 p.m.