Last year, students experienced the seven deadly sins firsthand. This time around, they’ll encounter alien invaders. It’s time for Talent Show.

This year’s theme, “A Space Odyssey” – a spinoff of the eponymous 1968 film – created many opportunities for visual effects and creative ideas.
“Space is something that, in one sense, is applicable to many things about high school,” student director Sahil Ansari said. “At the same time it’s got so many concrete pop culture references that there’s a lot you can do with space.”
Senior Peter Beiser, drummer for senior band EASY, initially thought the theme wouldn’t work well.
“I had my qualms at first, but after seeing the set and the acting, it’s all so incredible,” Besier said.
Sean Dunnevant, bass player for the band, said the theme is “out of this world,” allowing for top-notch lights and set design.
Ansari’s serious attitude towards the show keeps everyone in check, resulting in more productive rehearsals, Beiser said. As a Talent Show veteran, junior Gabe Slesinger said there’s more involvement between the directors and the participants than last year.
Yet this also takes up much of Ansari’s time, because Talent Show is a completely student-run production. Ansari said this is the most difficult part about Talent Show because when administrative problems arise, no one is there to “hold his hand.” The students set the schedule and allocated the budget themselves.
“It’s a lot of pressure on us to get everything together ourselves and do all the logistics, but at the same time take advantage of the artistic freedom we have,” Ansari said.
The students in Talent Show have almost complete freedom to set the content of the show. The only restriction is its length and appropriateness. Administrators must review all song lyrics and scripts to ensure that there are no risky, offensive or inappropriate jokes.
Despite all the pressure, Ansari said the opening night of the show will make it all worthwhile.
“I finally just get to sit back and watch this culmination of months and months of hard work in one night,” he said. “I can’t wait to see everyone up on the stage with this amazing set and amazing lights, just having a great time.”